Viral and Guerilla Marketing of our Youth

Mountain Top Fog
"What happens to a society when there aren't any little children anymore - when all you have are 50 year olds living inside of nine-year-old bodies?" (Winkie Pratney)

"According to MarketingVox [a strategic marketing consultancy], the total amount of money spent by or for teenage consumers in 2012 will be $208.7 billion" (Youth Marketing).

     As I read through my old Last Day Ministries newsletters that I mentioned in a previous blog, I am reminded why I saved these newsletters.  As a former youth counselor, parent and educator, I was touched by their articles, such as Winkie Pratney's "Contract on Children".

LDM Magazine

     As I read again and reflected on these articles written 30 years ago, I believe that the assault on youth is as strong as ever and at all age groups.  Just read the headlines, ads and ministries that address addiction, trafficking, run-aways, grand-parents raising grandchildren, children raising peers, etc. A look at the youth census report notes the decrease of death in the age limit of 18-24, but consider the "injury" status of the death cause.  Look at what is in print and video for our youth and how easy it is for strangers as reliable sources, to lurk behind the scenes of life and internet experiences and put on sheep's clothing as a peer or adult supervision. In Hollywood and youth literature, non-human characters intrigue their audience, but leaves one thinking, why does one have to be alien to be fun, wise or loveable.  Isn't it interesting that Steve Jobs himself limited technology with his own children, stating,
"because we have seen the dangers of technology firsthand. I’ve seen it in myself, I don’t want to see that happen to my kids.”  Who is really influencing our kids?  Who is mentoring our kids? 

     Today we know enough about the human brain, to know the frontal lobe doesn't fully develop until the mid-twenties.  Yet at 18, we relinquish the rights of parenting to our youth when they perhaps are most vulnerable for rational decision making.  "Since the recession hit in late 2007, sagging sales prompted many retailers to reach out to a much younger crowd—babies and tweens (kids under 13). And it appears an increasing number of retailers are looking to tap into this potentially lucrative market [often supported with Federal and State dollars], and sponsor services with the aim of building brand awareness at an earlier age." (JS Ferrara).  Youth Marketing is broken down into "smaller segments depending on their age, including tweens, teenagers, college students, and young adults aged 23-34."  "Teenagers and young people have been an important consumer demographic ever since [1950s], remember Joe Camel?  We are so busy pointing the finger at one another, or trying to gain control of the economy with self-interests, that the distraction continues to fuel the demise of our nation of youth from all cultures with confusion and other influences. Don't isolate these youth, as that will only further their demise.  Love them and mentor them with true unconditional love and restorative discipline, noting and reminding the reader, that discipline doesn't equal punishment, moreso it is a guided mentoring to bring about understanding and creating positive relationships that breaks down a path of isolation.

     To effectively sell a product, one needs to create a problem to solve, and then create the product (service or good) that satisfies the want or need (basic survival: food, shelter which according to a definition from Merriam-Webster has been expanded to address social and intellectual needs).  Consider the niche segments of Demographics that have been created to pursue a percentage of consumer dollars or an opportunity to expand an idealogy.  One has to think, what are we giving up for that profit margin.  "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world" (I John 4:1).  Most people believe in God, we often disagree with what that means.  Do you believe in prayer?  Be as strategic in your prayers as those who are targeting our youth, or at least as much attention as picking out your Halloween costume.   See below Keith Green's own testimony of confusion with his 100 Huntley Street Interview.

"Your faithfulness reaches to the skies"
~Psalm 36:5
Keith Green Songs & Interview/Testimony:


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