50 percent chance

     I was ready to photograph the 4th of July fireworks.  My goal was to best an old favorite with my new digital camera, a SONY a6000 with a 4/18-105 all purpose lens.  It is difficult for me to hold the
camera steady, so I was ready with my new JOBY GorillaPod SLR-Zoom & Ballhead tripod with flexible, wrapping legs.  I was debating where to set up, and decided to be low to the ground so I could gain some silhouette images against the glow of the fireworks.  This allowed my friend to shoot from higher ground as well.  We were both happy with our positions.

     I followed the suggestions of Jim Fisher, in his PC Magazine article, "How to Photograph Fireworks" (June 23, 2017) by lowering the ISO to 100 and adjusting the aperture while setting the camera on a manual setting.  He additionally mentioned the Gorilla Pad tripod as well.  I was wishing I had more than one camera, as I was photographing other things and thus quickly had to reset and fine-tune my settings when the fireworks began, about 20 minutes early!  To my surprise and frustration, my menu froze open on my LCD screen, so I began to shoot the pictures blindly.  I figured I had a 50% chance of catching an image, as I could see the image briefly after snapping a photograph, so as I sat in my chair, I continued to adjust the tripod that was resting on my legs. 

     Watching fireworks is a family tradition, and every year, I waited with anticipation to view my photographs.  I found that I had a few that I was happy with.  I have attached those below.  In the days that followed, I began to research how to manage my menu settings and read that pulling the battery out could reset it.  I did this, but did not get back to the LCD position that I wanted, this is something I am still working on.  I additionally thought, I could've switched from the LCD screen to the viewfinder, but by habit, I always use the LCD screen and didn't think of it.  I glanced at the view finder while writing this blog and found it off, so that is another thing for this novice to discover about this a6000.  Overall, I am glad that I did not quit, and continued to snap these pictures below with the following settings: F-stop: f/5.6 , ISO: 100 and Shutter Speed: 1/2 second, Aperature: 4.  Hope you enjoy!

Red, White & Blue against Gold

Up Close: Red, White & Blue against Gold

Gold Medallion

Up close: Gold Medallion

Red, White & Blue Firework Star

Up close: Red, White & Blue Firework Star

Lone Blue Star against Blue


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