Men and Women of Strength
I might have to redefine my goal of blogging to once a month versus once a week. But if you subscribe to this blog, it will appear in your mailbox in a more timely way! I am still cleaning off the bookshelves and found this poem tucked in to one of my favorite young adult books, a book of poems, "God is a Verb", by Marilee Zdenek. I will have to share one of her poems in this blog's closing. I am not sure who wrote this poem about strength, only that my former college roommate shared it with me about 15 or so years ago. Sometimes people observe us and make assumptions that things come so easy to us, I find this poem addresses my experience well.
A Person of Strength
A strong person works out every day to keep their body in shape
but a person of strength kneels in prayer
to keep their soul in shape...
A strong person isn't afraid of anything...
but a person of strength shows courage in the midst of their fear...
A strong person won't let anyone get the best of them...
but a person of strength gives the best of themselves to everyone...
A strong person makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
a person of strength realizes life's mistakes
can also be God's blessing and capitalizes on them...
A strong person walks sure footedly...but a person of strength
knows God will catch them when they fall...
A strong person wears the look of confidence on their face...
but a person of strength wears grace...
A strong person has faith that they are strong enough for
the journey...but a person of strength has faith
that it is in the journey that they will become strong...
God is a Verb
page 57 in same print format
You touched me-
and the world didn't change-
but I began to.
You touched me-
and the valley didn't go away-
but I looked up and saw a mountain range.
You touched me-
and since you did, I haven't been the same.
I'm going all the way with you, Lord.
I'm not holding back anymore.
I'm soaring to the summit of your plan
leaping into life
flying on the high jumps to your hand.
-Marilee Zdenek/Marge Champion
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