Solar Eclipse, August 21, 2017

     According to's tool to anticipate the eclipse's totality by zip code, the eclipse would peak at 2:43:59 pm EDTin our area when the moon would obscure 95.9% of the sun (  As I reflect on this experience I am reminded of lyrics of a song my cousins would sing acapella, "In the stars His handiwork, I see..." from the song, "He's Everything to Me" by Ralph Carmichael.  The closest version can be found on YouTube from a Billy Graham movie clip, from The Restless Ones, also available in full online, starring Kim Darby and Johnny Crawford.  My friend joined me and used a special filter, however these images are filterless via my SONY a6000 with a 4/18-105 Lens. 

Monday, ‎August ‎21, ‎2017, ‏‎1:58:52 PM EST
ISO: 100/Aperture: 4/f 5.6

TOTALITY 95.9 Monday, ‎August ‎21, ‎2017, ‏‎2:43:54 PM EST
ISO: 125/Aperture: 4/f 5.6

Monday, ‎August ‎21, ‎2017, ‏‎2:44:18 PM EST
ISO: 100/Aperture: 4/f 7.1

Monday, ‎August ‎21, ‎2017, ‏‎2:44:24 PM EST
ISO: 100/Aperture: 4/f 8

August 21, 2017 2:47pm EST
ISO: 2500/Aperture: 4/f 4

BOW: August 21, 2017 2:47pm EST
ISO: 100/Aperture: 4/f 5

August 21, 2017 2:56pm EST*
ISO: 100/Aperture: 4/f 4.6
*I am using this image for this year's Christmas Card with this image.  I'll post it when it comes in.

August 21, 2017 3:05pm EST
ISO: 100/Aperture: 4/f 4.6

It would have been nice to get these crescent shadows on our cove's water, but forgot to do that!   Next time, I will create a check-off list ahead of time!


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