
Showing posts from October, 2017

Viral and Guerilla Marketing of our Youth

Mountain Top Fog "What happens to a society when there aren't any little children anymore - when all you have are 50 year olds living inside of nine-year-old bodies?" (Winkie Pratney) "According to MarketingVox [a strategic marketing consultancy], the total amount of money spent by or for teenage consumers in 2012 will be $208.7 billion" ( Youth Marketing ).      As I read through my old Last Day Ministries newsletters that I mentioned in a previous blog, I am reminded why I saved these newsletters.  As a former youth counselor, parent and educator, I was touched by their articles, such as Winkie Pratney's  "Contract on Children". Part I: Contract on Children Part II: Contract on Children Part III: Contract on Children LDM Magazine      As I read again and reflected on these articles written 30 years ago, I believe that the assault on youth is as strong as ever and at all age ...